December 4, 2022

November 2022

With Remembrance Day in November, I thought to include this photo from the collection during World War 1. This is a very young man resplendent in his new uniform, his cap having the silver emblem of the
November 1, 2022

October 2022

This motorcycle was presumably owned by someone in the village although we don’t know who. Undoubtedly, they were very proud of it to take this picture. It is a Rover Imperial probably of around 1913.
October 1, 2022

September 2022

Here is a picture of the High St taken in about 1920. The view today is not so different with the Public Hall dominating this part of the street as it has since Victorian times. There are a couple of
September 1, 2022

August 2022

With the recent disruption in Berrycroft for utilities, I thought it would be interesting to look back to when the main drains were first installed. This picture, in 1965, is taken where Rumbles fish
August 1, 2022

July 2022

Edwardian cross-dressing! At first glance this looks like a regular team photo until you notice that the men are all wearing dresses and women’s hats. Where they got them from is anybody’s guess.
July 1, 2022

June 2022

In June we saw the nation get together to celebrate the Queen’s 70th Anniversary. You can imagine there were also great celebrations in Willingham for the Coronation itself in 1952. There was a parade
June 1, 2022

May 2022

You may recognise this as the house by the bus-stop on the High St. This photo, in the 1980s, shows the poor state it had reached. It is a listed building built in the 1500-1600s. Its age is evident by
May 1, 2022

April 2022

Willingham is rightly proud of its Parish Church which is a Grade 1 listed building and contains an amazing amount of history – going back to the 1200s. The current church was built on top of an older
March 29, 2022

March 2022

This splendid new building is Berrycroft Stores in the 1930s, very different from the building we know today. Sadly, the building was short lived as it caught fire and was completely gutted a few years
March 29, 2022

February 2022

Here are nine lads ready in their make-shift boat to be part of the parade on "Hospital Sunday", probably around 1920. In those days there was no NHS. What were everyday people to do if they needed hospital?