August 2, 2019

June 2019

In medieval times, to get from Willingham to the important town of St. Ives you had to take a ferry across the Great Ouse river at Over Cote. The ferry is first recorded in 1575 but it’s likely a crossing
June 1, 2019

May 2019

It’s about 1910 and a parade is moving up Church Lane. People are standing at their doors and gates to watch as a large troop of children accompany this float. Looking carefully we see that it carries
May 1, 2019

April 2019

A rather poignant picture this month. It is the day the Salvation Army moved to their new hall on Silver St. Originally the Salvation Army hut was on the east side of Long Lane, opposite Short Lane. Then
March 31, 2019

March 2019

For most of the 1800’s Willingham suffered from “absentee rectors”. These men had no interest in the village and typically lived in Cambridge or even London, collecting the income and paying a curate
March 1, 2019

February 2019

It’s the 1960’s and at the end of feast week a large Salvation Army band plays on the green. You might wonder why the cars are parked all over the place but it those days a road ran right across the
February 1, 2019

January 2019

The Hospital Sunday parade moves up Church Lane around 1920. In those days there was no NHS and visits to the doctor or hospital had to be paid for. Most ordinary families could never afford a stay in
December 23, 2018

December 2018

This huge rambling thatched house was on the High St. where the post office and adjoining buildings are today. This picture was probably taken about 1900. It is not known whether the building was demolished
December 23, 2018

November 2018

Here is a photo of the High St. in about 1910. The only house you are likely to recognize is the building on the left which is now “The Bank” pub – and was, of course, an actual bank for most of
November 2, 2018

October 2018

You may have noticed that the house attached to the Cooperative Stores is boarded up and undergoing repair. Stephanie Prior asked us whether there was a photo of the house and shop in its original form
September 30, 2018

September 2018

Last month we saw the old Baptist Meeting house on George St. which was built in 1833 and demolished in 1978. This month we see a photo of the inside of the building which is “Tardis like” in the amount