November 15, 2017

July 2013

This photo shows the corner of Church Lane and Church St. On the right you can see the gravestones in the Churchyard (many of which were removed in 1970s to make it easier to mow the grass!) On the West
November 15, 2017

June 2013

There are several pictures of this house on the OldWillingham web site at various periods. The house still stands on Rampton End and, for those who have lived in the village for 10 years or more, it was
November 15, 2017

May 2013

The finale of “Alice in Wonderland” in 1985 as presented by Willingham Amateur Dramatics Society aka WAMADS. Amateur Dramatics was very popular in the second half of the 20th century and Willingham’s
November 15, 2017

April 2013

This is one of the older photos in the collection and it looks like a scene from a Thomas Hardy novel! The women has a traditional rural apron and the man leaning on the fence seems to be wearing a smock.
November 15, 2017

March 2013

The person who took this photograph wrote “The Retreat” on the back. Perhaps it was a place in the country for a middle class family from town – perhaps this is them in the front garden. Dad is wearing
November 15, 2017

December 2012

This month’s photo shows the “Railway Tavern” which, as the name suggests, was right next to the station. This building (now a private house) is still there just by the guided busway. We would estimate
November 15, 2017

November 2012

This month we see the staff of Haynes Bros standing outside their shop – the shop that is now Co-operative Stores opposite the end of Church Street. This photo has been dated at 1927 by the grandson
November 15, 2017

October 2012

Milford Jeeps, who appears in the picture outside Berry Cottage sent the following letter: In 1921 my family and I moved to Berry Cottage, exchanging homes with Gordon Spackman's family. My father was
November 15, 2017

September 2012

Here is photo of a splendid car taken in the 1930’s. It is parked outside a rather nice house with railings. Both the house and the adjacent building still exist in the village but they are hard to recognize.
November 15, 2017

August 2012

Last month we showed this picture of two cottages on the site of the current library. This resulted in letters from two (very) long time village residents. The first from Milford Jeeps and the second our