November 15, 2017

November 2011

Seeing the Salvation Army Band on last month’s magazine cover reminded me of this picture taken 47years ago in 1964. As is still the tradition, the band is playing or preparing to play on Feast Sunday
November 15, 2017

October 2011

After last month’s photo by the High St. crossroads, our “usual correspondent” informed me that there used to be a pond near the junction. He said: “I wonder how many residents realise that the
November 15, 2017

Sept 2011

Here we see the crossroads on the High Street which today is a busy junction with traffic lights. The picture is taken from Over Rd. and the Salvation Army Band are setting up to play – not a safe strategy
November 15, 2017

August 2011

This month we see one of the many pubs and inns that existed in Willingham around 1900. Willingham had been a staging post for travellers for centuries resulting in many hostelries. In the 20th century,
November 15, 2017

July 2011

This month we see a photograph of the High Street probably in the 1960’s. These cottages were located opposite the current post office. In the past there were many more thatched cottages in Willingham
November 15, 2017

May 2011

Here is a picture of Longstation station in the early 1900s. This was of course the main station for Willingham and included sidings for goods wagons. The station master’s house (shown here) can still
November 15, 2017

April 2011

This month we see a picture of the High St., probably about 70 years ago. There are no pavements and the road looks treacherous and icy. The Public Hall can be seen on the right and the shop in front of