November 15, 2017

July 2102 (Extra)

Dear Editor, I received a letter from Glenda Tillyard in relation to the picture of the children with the Coronation Mugs. She has given permission to use her photo and story in the magazine and I have
November 15, 2017

July 2012

It would be hard to identify this picture today except for the building on the very left side. It is, of course, the old Methodist Chapel next to the Village Green which was closed in 2000 and was converted
November 15, 2017

June 2012

With all the celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee at the start of June I was reminded of a tradition in past years. During the Golden Jubilee in 2002 all the village children were given a “Jubilee
November 15, 2017

May 2012

We are heading back to the late 1950’s this month and here are the primary school children with the maypole. The maypole dance has died out in recent years but required skill and training as the children
November 15, 2017

April 2012

In the past parades were and important part of village life and everybody took part. Great efforts were put into costumes to match the theme of the event. Here we see a parade, probably in the 1930’s-40’s.
November 15, 2017

March 2012

This impressive building is the Baptist tabernacle which stood on the site of the current “Tab” on George St. This was a huge building compared to the current modern one and could seat up to 300 people.
November 15, 2017

February 2012 (extra)

Here is the information sent by Janet Hart about last month’s photo. She has given permission to include this: "The driver in the photo is of Robert 'Bob' Few, younger brother of my Grandfather 
November 15, 2017

February 2012

This month we see yet another of the village pubs that closed to business in the 1990’s. It is the White Hart, pictured in the 1960s. There were many popular pubs in the village and each had their own
November 15, 2017

January 2012

For most of the 20th century fruit and flowers were king in Willingham. These would be harvested into standard boxes and then taken to Longstanton station for distribution to London or other major cities.
November 15, 2017

December 2011

Only a few people in the village will recognize this scene; both the wooden building and the thatched cottage have been gone for many years. This is the hall for the Salvation Army and it was located on