November 15, 2017

May 2014

Much has been written recently about the politics leading up to the first world war. The picture this month shows a house on Church Lane (still there today) which appears to be the local party headquarters
November 15, 2017

April 2014

This photo is taken at the end of George St. looking up towards the High Street. Today, you would have the ploughman hall and recreation ground on your right. The pub on the end (Rose and Crown) is still
November 15, 2017

March 2014

This month we see a sergeant posing for a photograph, probably before heading to France. We don’t know who he is but interestingly his lapel badges are the maple leaf of Canada and, zooming in on his
November 15, 2017

February 2014

The old church hall on Church St. (now a private house) has been used for many things since it was constructed at the end of the 19th century including meetings, parties for young and old and, of course,
November 15, 2017

January 2014

This building stood on the corner of the green by Priest Lane. Today you would be standing outside the current library to take this shot but the building itself is long gone. There are two cottages, one
November 15, 2017

December 2013

The two men by the door are blacksmiths, each with a hammer in hand and wearing a leather apron. The burly man on the left might be the master smithy and the younger man his apprentice. This building stood
November 15, 2017

November 2013

A fixture of village life at Christmas used to be the Pensioners’ Christmas Tea Party. There would be tea and cake, games and singing and a merry time would be had by all. Here we see the assembled party
November 15, 2017

October 2013

This month’s photo shows people in their Sunday best outside a rather dilapidated cottage. One woman is holding a baby in a fine white dress and the boy next to her has a wide brimmed hat. On the right,
November 15, 2017

September 2013

Residents of the High St. and others will be pleased to see that the building on the corner of Over Road is being repaired after many years lying derelict. In this month’s picture we see the building
November 15, 2017

August 2013

Most people know that the guided busway was built on the path of the old railway through Longstanton. But did you know that there was another railway North of the village which ran from Ely to St.Ives?