November 15, 2017

January 2016

Here we see a photo looking down Silver St. from the Long Lane end. The picture is not very clear but it is very old – probably taken about 1890. We see a group of women and children evidently in their
November 15, 2017

December 2015

This month we see a cheerful woman on a motor bike, with an equally cheerful girl (probably her daughter) peeping out of the side car. You might not guess based on the modest design of the bike but this
November 15, 2017

November 2015

The annual ploughing match has been held for more than 150 years with great rivalry between Willingham and Cottenham. Initially larger farmers employed ploughmen “show-off” to the village. The ploughman
November 15, 2017

October 2015

This photo was taken on the village green in the 1950’s. On the right is the Gas Showroom full of cookers and so on (now the library). Our regular correspondent tells me that until the early 1930’s
November 15, 2017

September 2015

Last month we showed the Willingham Water tower. This prompted the following letter from Malcolm Sargeant: “The tower was there when we bought a "Tower Cottage" in 1967. It belonged to the Cambridge
November 15, 2017

August 2015

For many years people drew their water from the village pump on the green. But in 1912 the Willingham Water and General Supply Co. was established with money from wealthy local families. This huge water
November 15, 2017

July 2015

Newcomers to the village might wonder why there is an ATM in the front of a house in the High St. Here is a picture of that house in earlier days. Eighty years ago there was an ancient rambling thatched
November 15, 2017

June 2015

It’s been a busy time for Willingham beekeepers this year with quite a number of bee swarms in the village. A bee swarm occurs when half the bees in a colony leave and go looking for a new home of their
November 15, 2017

May 2015

A hundred years ago horses and carts were the prime means of moving larger loads in the village. In those days the village had its own wheelwright who both made and repaired cartwheels. The cartwheels
November 15, 2017

April 2015

Most people will instantly recognise this location as both buildings are still on the High Street and surprisingly unchanged. Here we see Alec Norman (and his dog.) Mr. Norman was well known in the village