November 15, 2017

November 2016

This is how you would build a corn-stack or hay-stack in the 1940’s. No automatic binding or hydraulic lifts – just a strong arm, a pitch fork and a head for heights. Forget health and safety: no hard
November 15, 2017

October 2016

If you talk to people that grew up in the village in the 1950s and 60s they will often have fond memories of Long’s shop in Church St. From this picture it is not hard to see why. The shop lists “confectionary,
November 15, 2017

September 2016

How many children can you get in a horse cart? Well I can count 29 faces not including the driver – mostly girls but with a group of lads crammed at the front. This photo is in the early 1900’s and
November 15, 2017

August 2016

Nowadays the village pump on the Green is a bit of a novelty and something for the kids to climb on. But in past years it was a very important part of village life. This month we see a photo of the pump
November 15, 2017

July 2016

This is a well-known picture taken outside the Old Church Hall in Church Street during the first world war. It seems appropriate to include it this month after the centenary of the Battle of the Somme.
November 15, 2017

June 2016

This is an aerial view of the village taken in about 1950. The lower left corner is the village green and the upper right corner is roughly the crossroads of High St. and Berrycroft (traffic lights today).
November 15, 2017

May 2016

Here is a lovely view of Green St. in about 1910, long before pavements and tarmac on the roads. Many of these building still exist including the shop in the foreground which is now Rainbow Crafts. However,
November 15, 2017

April 2016

Not too many in the village would recognize this scene. It is Long Pond on Rampton road where Schole Rd. joins from the right. It was probably taken in the 1950s when the pond was kept very clear – a
November 15, 2017

March 2016

Did you know that the Black Bull at the Station Rd, crossroads replaced an earlier pub of the same name which stood on the corner? Here is a picture of the old pub which sold Green King ale and was run
November 15, 2017

February 2016

This little building is a survivor! You may recognise it as the small house opposite the end of Church St. just down from the Coop. It is very old – probably 200 years or maybe more and has had an interesting