July 2023

This photo was taken on the High St. towards the crossroads about 1913. It shows the “Hospital Sunday” parade. There was no NHS so each year money would be raised and given to Addenbrookes hospital which would keep a “Willingham fund” to allow villagers who could not afford to pay, to get treatment. People were expected to contribute generously. What is interesting is the “hat hierarchy”. In those days your hat designated your social status. We see one man with a “top hat” – the highest rank. This is Rev Charles Hannibal Crossley, the rector from 1906-1923. The men by him in “bowler” hats would be the next in line and these are possibly the churchwardens. Middle class men wore the “trilby” and working class wore a flat cap. Similar rules applied for women, although less structured. Woe betide anyone who wore an inappropriate hat as they would be shunned by both their own class and those of the class they aspired to. How things have changed for the better!