October 2, 2023

September 2023

Here is a lovely picture you may have seen before. Set around 1900 it shows an idyllic country scene with barn and well-trimmed thatched cottage. The woman carries a heavy wicker basket in her right hand
September 4, 2023

August 2023

You might struggle to place this picture - it is Long Pond in 1960’s. The photographer is on Schole Road looking towards what is now the Pyrethrum Way development. Rampton Rd. is barely more than a
August 1, 2023

July 2023

The Old Church Hall on Church St. was built around 1890 in the grounds of the Rectory (now Willingham House). In the 1990’s it was sold and converted into private house. It never really worked as a
August 1, 2023

June 2023

A very quiet day at the village pond nearly 100 years ago – perhaps early morning. People today often say how nice it would be to have a village pond but, in reality, this was not picturesque. The problem
June 1, 2023

May 2023

Well, of course, this month has to be a coronation picture. There are a number to choose from over the years but this is the most spectacular - a parade for the Coronation of George V on June 22nd 1911.
May 2, 2023

April 2023

Willingham has few old cottages. Many were lost to fire but many were just demolished to build something “better”. To be fair, they were often quite dilapidated and in a time when heritage was less
April 1, 2023

March 2023

This view in Church St. is mostly changed today although the building with the arched windows remains. The ramshackle workshop in the middle was used as a bicycle sales and repair shop in the 1910s. Behind
March 1, 2023

February 2023

This splendid house was on the High St. Its site is now occupied by Osbourne close next to “The Bank” pub. The identity of the gentleman on horseback with a big white beard and top hat is unknown
February 1, 2023

January 2023

This scene is from “Alice in Wonderland”, presented by WAMADS (Willingham Amateur Dramatic Society) in 1985. The gentleman playing the part of “Humpty Dumpty” is none other than Bill Kirkman who,
January 1, 2023

December 2022

Here is the corner of Church Lane around 1910. This is one of the few places in the village which is almost completely unchanged today, 100 years later. A few chimneys have gone and pavements have been