On these pages you will find articles and links related to the history of St. Mary & All Saint's church in Willingham.

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Willingham Church is  known for three features. First, it has one of the most extensive ranges of wall paintings in the country. Second, there is beautiful roof with an interesting history. Finally, there is a very fine 13th century Sacristy built entirely of stone, which leads off the chancel.

Those looking for a quick tour of the main features should follow the link to the "History tour" while those who want more formal description of the church and its feature may like the history written by Cannon Bywaters in the 1960s. For information on the wall paintings follow the link for the wall paintings tour and, for a more recent perspective on the original purpose of the 13th C. "sacristy" you should read the paper by Jerry Lander, church architect.

The wallpaintings underwent substantial conservation work in 2005 and details of this work can be found by clicking HERE